Friday, January 27, 2006

I Want A Level With Sexy Curves

Finally! I finally managed to get curved hallways in my level! That's right, hallwayS! Two joined onto each other. I could have done the other manually, but... I didn't want to. It took me a hell of a long time to pick the textures and I think they work pretty well. I'm still finalising the lighting and the textures aren't exactly kosher (that means something like 'right'), but the lights should be low enough that you shouldn't notice unless you look closely with your flashlight. So if you do play my map, do me a favor and don't look closely with your flashlight. M'kay?

I love how Doom 3 manages to create perfect curves and pipes and other round stuff. The only way you could get that stuff with older engines was to create a brush (or sector) with many, many sides, achieving a pseudo-curve.

Well, since today is Friday, I get a break from creating Doom 3 for a couple of days and get a chance to play the thing, so next update should be Monday, if I get anything done.

Anyway, onto the pictures which I am posting merely for the nostalgic value several years down the road...



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