Monday, February 27, 2006

Going Through Changes

Updations, today.

Remember those two caps that I thought were 'pretty nice'? Well, I've deleted them and put more of Moth's prefabs in to replace them. I've put two Wall Crescents in that hallway. I had to widen it a little and raise the ceiling to fit them, but it was worth it!

That's the thing about prefabs -- not all of them are the perfect size or are aligned the right way, meaning you have to manually reposition everything and possibly end up with a messed up prefab.

Anyway, I also changed the Archive Storage's walls to a blue texture. It looks okay, but I'll probably end up either changing it or getting a custom texture for it.

Wall Crescents

Blue walls

Another day done and dusted. Maybe tomorrow I'll expand my map, again. I keep spending way too long on one section. Now, while that may be a good thing in some cases, it does mean I spend an awfully long time tweaking things that don't need to be tweaked.

Must stop that.


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