Saturday, March 04, 2006

Finally Friday

Yes, I haven't updated for a hell of a long time. The reason is that I've re-installed an old game on my PC and have been re-addicted to it. The game? Dungeon Keeper. The first one. I've forgotten just how awesome that game is!

Anyway, I added that new section, today. Screenshot below. Also, several days (or was it weeks?) ago, I used Moth's prefab pack to add in a storage cabinet. The trouble is, you can grab the things in it when the thing is closed! I need to add a Player Clip brush to stop that from happening. I also need to see about getting rid of that 'Alpha Labs' text on it.

TEH new section

Alpha Labs? No...

Alrighty. That's it. Okay, now. Bye-bye, then.


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