Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Reserarch Labs Sublevel 13 Full Version Not Released!

Did I get your hopes up as you read the first three quarters of that title? Sorry.

I'm not going to repeat that I can never reach deadlines I set for myself. Wait, that's telling you, isn't it? Never mind.

The reason it's not released is because I'm learning more and more cool stuff. I've even added an intro cutscene to my level! Nothing really special, but it's there. I've also been learning some scripting, which, to my surprise, is extremely easy! I'm not lying. Read this tutorial. It'll teach you the absolute basics on making stuff move. One thing, though -- make sure that Windows is not hiding file extensions (*.doc, *.txt, etc), as that can stop scripts working. You could unknowingly be saving your scripts as something.script.txt.

Anyway, I need to find out how to make a camera change what it's aiming at while it's floating through my hallways.

As for the actual release date of my map... I'll say what most designers say about their work:

"When it's finished, natch..."


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