Saturday, June 10, 2006

Almost There...

The ending is coming together. Soon, I'll release the final version of this map and then I'll be on my way to starting my next one.

I've decided to make this map open-ended should I wish to expand on it by making the player venture deeper underground and maybe enter Hell, itself!


Anyway, for those who have played the Beta release, you may remember I ended the map rather lamely with a small room and an exit switch. Very similar to the original DOOM, yes, but this is DOOM 3! Things have to be realistic! Of course, realism can only go as far as the mapper's ability. I won't comment on mine, since you all know.

Again, for those who played the beta, you may remember hearing your teammates fighting and shouting on the other side of the door you start in front of. They shortly die, thereafter, according to what Betruger cryptically tells you. At the end of the full version, you get to see their mutilated corpses. Joy. Below is a screenshot of the resulting massacre, which I had to Photoshop it so you could see.

New exit area

Hopefully, my next map will be better.


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