Sunday, October 08, 2006

I'm No Architect

As you can see from my screenshots, I'm no level architect.

I know I haven't updated in a while, but that's because I've been busy with my level. As a result, I've got five new screenshots for you to look with mild interest at. I've also figured out how to get visportals functioning properly. It used to be that they would work only partly properly. They would block geometry, yes, but when doors closed, they wouldn't 'seal' the room off. I've found that you have to make the portals the same length and height as the doorway you cut out, but the portal brush must be as thin as, maybe a little thinner than, the actual door (not the door frame). Why couldn't I have learned that with Research Labs Sublevel 13?

Anyway, here's the screenshots with the last two showing one of the functioning visportals.

A window, obviously. Look familiar? MC Underground, maybe?

The main hall. Yes, that is a hole in the ceiling.

A new outside area. No, you can't get to it.

Sealed visportal...

Open visportal

And that's a wrap. In case you're wondering, I'm still working (slowly) on that webpage I mentioned a few months back -- LEARN (Level Editing And Revision for Newbies). There's some basic stuff on it, but hardly enough to have it published, yet.


Blogger Timelord said...

looks real nice :p

10/11/2006 03:50:00 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice? Yeah, if you like box maps! ;)

I've tried some feeble attempts at recesses and stuff, but it's not much. I just can't think of any good-looking architecture to incorporate into my maps!

10/13/2006 05:59:00 pm  

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