Monday, January 15, 2007

Crazy Happenings

There was no Christmas post, nor a New Year's post, you may have noticed. This is because I was too busy with the craziness of it all. That, and I'd gotten a few new games to keep me occupied. I also got a new 17" monitor, meaning I was finally able to carry out my 2006 New Year's Resolution: 1280x1024. Haven't gotten a new one, yet. I never stick to them, anyway.

Since I missed the holiday well-wishings, I'll give them here -- Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


Well, things are getting back to 'normal', however. That includes me getting back into the groove of mapping. Death Rebellion map four is under construction and I got a couple of shots of the construction site.

The entrance

Main hall

Still rough layouts and the textures in the main hall are temporary. The lighted pillars are cutting my frames in half (I'm one of those able to get 60fps almost all the time, too), so I'll have to rethink my approach to them, as not everybody has the same computer specs as me.


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