Saturday, April 14, 2007

Mappo Number Five

Well, I've moved my account to the new version of Blogger, at last. Hopefully, this will make things a little easier than they already were. There were a few problems such as thumbnails not linking to full-size images and whatnot.

Anyway, I've been working on map 5 for a while, now. It's a deliciously dark map and I'm hoping to deliver a few scares in it. I think I'm getting quite good at building computers out of brushes, as you'll see in a second.

Reception area

The left of the main room

The right of the main room

And my very self-made jumboputer

It's going pretty well. I'm thinking that once I've finished this map off, I'll release a demo for this little 'episode' of mine.

And that's that.


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