Thursday, March 23, 2006

Barman, Give Me Another Update

No updates, why? Nothing worth updating you on. All I've done is added some cool monster-related stuff to my level and managed to change the storage cabinet's door to something more generic. Turns out all I had to do was go into 'Skins' and scroll down to the storage cabinet section. There I could choose different kinds of door designs, including a very splattery blood-covered one, but I didn't use that. The door no longer says 'Alpha Labs'; it now says ' '. That's right -- nothing. Generic, as I wanted it.

Also, I got the thing to behave properly. No longer do you collect items the instant you unlock the cabinet. You can pick up each item individually, like in the original id maps. After creating the cabinet (tutorials on Doom 3 World), add the following key/val to each item:


That'll make the items stay where they are until you decide to pick them up.

Anyway, I'll be away until Sunday. Doom on! (Man, that's cheesy.)


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