Wednesday, April 26, 2006

I Hate Titles, Now

Nothing much to report other than I've got a small room for the exit switch (if I decide to end it with a switch) and added a couple more blood splats and corpses to the cafeteria area. I still haven't put up any permanent lights for that room, yet, but I'll get around to it, sometime.

Oh, and monster animations are fun! You can really surprise the player by using a certain animation, like a Pinky jumping around the corner by having it play one of its 'dodge' animations when activated. Some animations need to have levels built in a certain way to work, since they were designed to traverse the original id maps, but if you can work around them, then good job!

You may have some trouble with the main character's animations, though, since he will sometimes fly around the place rather oddly for no reason. Why they didn't just have him stay in one place, I don't know. I mean, it just seems unnecessary, having him float about. It makes it really hard to use him in your own maps, too.

Well, what do I know? You can bugger off now, if you want.


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