Friday, May 26, 2006

Beta Release

I've just released a beta of my map on! Follow this link to go to its thread. If you play it, leave me feedback either on the topic, or through e-mail at

Feedback = improvement = better maps = enjoyment.

The beta was posted on my 100th post, too! I'd been planning to do so for a while. Anyways, it be out, in beta form, at least.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Now What Do I Do?

The objectives have been set! I now have a fully-functional level! Not long to go until it's ready for beta testing and such.

The objectives aren't much, but it's not usually something people of my skill level use. Of all the first maps (and I mean true first maps) I've downloaded, none have had objectives or locations marked. Their maps are as sparse as my own and a lot of the time, they seem hastily thrown together. No offense, but that is how it seemed, sometimes.

Anyways, there probably won't be much to update on for a while, so don't watch this space!

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Where Am I?

I finally got around to inserting location names into my map. Now all I need to do is get the objectives made and that's it almost ready. I'll need to build some detail and get beta testers before fully releasing it.

It's only when you try to create your own levels do you truly appreciate the time and effort that goes into the actual game! I was amazed at the level design before building my own levels, but now I can honestly say that the people who make maps for a living certainly deserve their job!

Monday, May 08, 2006

In the End

At last! The entire level is playable all the way from start to finish! You can now get all the way to the end and exit the level without having to go to the menu!

It's only semi-finished, though. It needs more detail added, locations named and objectives given and then it'll be ready.

I've decided on the lights for the cafeteria and a temporary exit. I'm still not entirely sure what to do for the end of the level but I have an idea of where to take it. Something open ended where I can do you descending deeper into the Research Labs, should I wish to take it any further.

Cafeteria lights

Temporary exit GUI

Okay, move along. Nothin' more ta see here, folks. Show's over. Move along.

Friday, May 05, 2006

I've Been At This HOW Long?!

About six months and I've only just recently got all the basic brushwork finished. Since I haven't updated in a while and I know you are all just aching to know what I've been up to, I decided to hit 'New Post' and tell you.

What I've been up to is... not much. I hardly touched DOOMEdit this week apart from about ten minutes ago. All I did there was slice a couple of sections and paint them a new, yet matching texture. There was also the matter of the Shipping Area's storage cabinet saying 'Alpha Labs', so I changed its skin to the generic one. No screenshots because there's really nothing much of interest to show you.

Hmmm... I think me making blocky levels and showing them off on the 'Net is an insult to the game!

Well, anyway, I've got an idea for two new maps. The first is another generic complex and the other is a three-leveled building. I think I'll try the 'complex' (I use that word loosely) one, first, just to practice some more.