Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Downloading Paths

I've added download links to my maps... well, okay, my one released map, but I'll be adding more links as more of my maps become available. You can download them on the sidebar to the right.

There are two mirrors -- the permanent FileFront link and the possibly permanent PlanetPhillip (that's a lot of Ps) link. If you're interested in sci-fi single-player maps and mods, PlanetPhillip is the place to be! He has every single-player sci-fi map and mod ever! You'd be hard-pressed not to find what you're looking for.

No, I'm not part of his staff (he runs the place by himself, amazingly!) and I haven't been asked to advertise his site, I'm just letting you all know about it. Go there and rate my maps '5' plzkthxbai!

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Mappo Number Five

Well, I've moved my account to the new version of Blogger, at last. Hopefully, this will make things a little easier than they already were. There were a few problems such as thumbnails not linking to full-size images and whatnot.

Anyway, I've been working on map 5 for a while, now. It's a deliciously dark map and I'm hoping to deliver a few scares in it. I think I'm getting quite good at building computers out of brushes, as you'll see in a second.

Reception area

The left of the main room

The right of the main room

And my very self-made jumboputer

It's going pretty well. I'm thinking that once I've finished this map off, I'll release a demo for this little 'episode' of mine.

And that's that.

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Could it be...? Is it...? It is!

I've finally found out that thing I wanted to find out. To stop you from wondering, I'll tell you -- I wanted to know how to turn the flashlight off.

I found out how! I had to initiliase a loop (with a threadname) and tell it to turn the flashlight off. Then, when I wanted the flashlight to turn back on, again, I killed the thread (loop) and told the game to give me my flashlight beam back.

Check out this thread on to see the script (does anyone actually follow this blog? I dunno. I'm posting the link for myself, mostly).

Now I think I can finally move on to Map 5.