Thursday, March 23, 2006

Barman, Give Me Another Update

No updates, why? Nothing worth updating you on. All I've done is added some cool monster-related stuff to my level and managed to change the storage cabinet's door to something more generic. Turns out all I had to do was go into 'Skins' and scroll down to the storage cabinet section. There I could choose different kinds of door designs, including a very splattery blood-covered one, but I didn't use that. The door no longer says 'Alpha Labs'; it now says ' '. That's right -- nothing. Generic, as I wanted it.

Also, I got the thing to behave properly. No longer do you collect items the instant you unlock the cabinet. You can pick up each item individually, like in the original id maps. After creating the cabinet (tutorials on Doom 3 World), add the following key/val to each item:


That'll make the items stay where they are until you decide to pick them up.

Anyway, I'll be away until Sunday. Doom on! (Man, that's cheesy.)

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Office Job

Quite a bit done, this week. The map is beginning to resemble my floor plan sketch, with a few modifications, of course.

The area I mentioned in a previous post was originally going to be a dark hallway leading to a small office (also partially built). Instead, I made it a row of offices and it works out quite nicely.


Partially built office

It's the weekend, again. This week went by quickly, I think. That's good, because last weekend also passed quickly. As if they aren't short enough as it is!

Alrighty, time to take a well-deserved break from mapping and continue blasting through demonic hordes in levels that actually look like places!

Thursday, March 16, 2006

In Addition To That...

I've expanded my map a little more.

I'm getting closer to having the whole thing finished! Just a few details and stuff after it's all done and I'll be ready to release it.

I'm about... hmmm... 60-65% finished, now.

And no, there are no new screenshots of anything. Or even old screenshots, at that.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Things That Go *BUMP* In The Map

My Internet connection messed up on Thursday, meaning I couldn't get online. I had nothing much else to do with my map, so I decided to start populating it with monsters. The ideas I had on paper are working, for the most part, in the game.

Now that I have a connection, I can continue with my map. I needed to see how to do something, but I couldn't, since my connection was off until today. Figures. The day I need to read a tutorial on how to do something is the day my connection decides to go kaput!

No pictures, since there's nothing new to show... unless you want to know where some of the demons and zombies are placed, reducing their shock effect if you play my map.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Visportaling Hour

I didn't do much, tonight. In the hour or so that I worked on my map, I added in a few visportals to optimise my map a little more and finally managed to get that light to turn on! I made a trigger_once with key/val pair of AnyTouch/1 so that anything triggered it. I created a target_lightfadein and made the trigger_once target it. I then made my target_lightfadein target the light. I crossed the trigger and the light came on! I added in a speaker, gave it a light-coming-on type sound and targeted it with the trigger_once.

...Did you get all that?

I need to find a way to switch light textures, as the light texture I've chosen right now is fully bright, even when the light entity is off.

I also downloaded a prefab mega-pack by voldemort from There are no pictures, unlike in Moth's, but since there are so many, it's understandable. The pack is a hefty few megabytes, even in .rar form, but there are a lot of things in it. The only other downside is that you have to practically hunt for the prefabs once you load them in, since they don't appear in the same spots. Hopefully, that'll be fixed in a future release or something.

Light off

Light on

More prefab goodness

Even more prefab goodness!

Well, that's all we have time for on Skul's Doom 3 Blog. This post was brought to you by number 3 and the letters W, T and F.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Finally Friday

Yes, I haven't updated for a hell of a long time. The reason is that I've re-installed an old game on my PC and have been re-addicted to it. The game? Dungeon Keeper. The first one. I've forgotten just how awesome that game is!

Anyway, I added that new section, today. Screenshot below. Also, several days (or was it weeks?) ago, I used Moth's prefab pack to add in a storage cabinet. The trouble is, you can grab the things in it when the thing is closed! I need to add a Player Clip brush to stop that from happening. I also need to see about getting rid of that 'Alpha Labs' text on it.

TEH new section

Alpha Labs? No...

Alrighty. That's it. Okay, now. Bye-bye, then.