Tuesday, July 25, 2006

I'm Having An Episode!

Well, remaking an episode. One of my own from DOOMs gone by. It was an okay episode, in my opinion at least, if you want me to be blunt. Before you ask, no, it wasn't released, so don't expect to find it anywhere. In fact, it's gone from my hard-drive, completely. In case you're wondering, it did have a name -- Death Rebellion. How did it get that name? Well, I was thinking up for a name for it, and thought of Rebellion. My cousin was up and he thought of naming it Death! So we 'argued' back and forth with the names.


I'm sure you can see what happened. So it's really a combination of two names.

Anyway, here are some screenshots...

The start of a new map

Comes with soft shadows!

"Welcome to the mess hall!"

Random shiz

Although it's a remake, I'll try to keep it close to the original, meaning DOOM 1 enemies and weapons, although I'll include corpses and such, since it's going to be more realistic than the original was. I might add DOOM 3 monsters, but that's not a given.

Oh, and yes, that is a custom skybox. This episode takes place on Earth, just like the original. I'm trying to keep the look of the original by having mountainous skies and to make it look more like Earth, since Mars, as you might guess, doesn't look very... 'Earthy'.

Thursday, July 20, 2006


This is pretty unbelievable. My first map -- Research Labs Sublevel 13 -- has been selected to be included in the next issue of German PC magazines PC ACTION (www.pcaction.de) and PC GAMES (www.pcgames.de). They asked for my permission first (something one should always do when handing out other peoples' work), and, after considering it for about 3/10ths of a second, I granted them permission. The magazines will "be published in issue 10/06 which will hit stores near the end of August."

I never expected that! I wonder, though... are they putting together a newbies map pack? That must be it.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Research Labs Sublevel 13 Full Version Released!

Yes, it is. Released and with a working .pk4, to boot! Go here and play the screenshots you've been looking at.

For my next project, I'm going to be building some levels I made for the original DOOM. They'll be updated using DOOM 3's assests, but will, in essence, be the same. I'll also be using some custom skyboxes, since the originals didn't take place on Mars, but on Earth.

Anyway, that's enough blabbing from me. Play my map and give me feedback. Thanks in advance.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Reserarch Labs Sublevel 13 Full Version Not Released!

Did I get your hopes up as you read the first three quarters of that title? Sorry.

I'm not going to repeat that I can never reach deadlines I set for myself. Wait, that's telling you, isn't it? Never mind.

The reason it's not released is because I'm learning more and more cool stuff. I've even added an intro cutscene to my level! Nothing really special, but it's there. I've also been learning some scripting, which, to my surprise, is extremely easy! I'm not lying. Read this tutorial. It'll teach you the absolute basics on making stuff move. One thing, though -- make sure that Windows is not hiding file extensions (*.doc, *.txt, etc), as that can stop scripts working. You could unknowingly be saving your scripts as something.script.txt.

Anyway, I need to find out how to make a camera change what it's aiming at while it's floating through my hallways.

As for the actual release date of my map... I'll say what most designers say about their work:

"When it's finished, natch..."

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Picture This

I've been quite busy, this week and have decided to take five pictures of what I've been up to for release of the final version of Research Labs Sublevel 13.

First off, I've included a shelf that is attached to the wall in Storage Room A and added some clutter to it, as well as a large clip for the Machine Gun.

Secondly, I've put a large power cable in the curved hallway leading to the Research Archives. It's worth mentioning because the cable follows the hallway's curve. Something I thought I wouldn't be able to do until I'd improved my skills, a bit. It took a bit of time, but it paid off. As with the hallway itself, I simply created one half of the cable, then copied, pasted and rotated it.

Third, remember those supports in the offices hallway? They've been added to and look better.

Fourth, I managed to get the UAC military logo into the Plasma Gun's room. The logo used to misbehave by either not showing up or not being where I wanted it to.

Finally, things I haven't got pictures for, simply because they need videos and audio to be shown.

I've added the effect id have in their own maps when monsters teleport in. Usually, when a monster teleports in, the lights would dim and then come back up when the demon had finished teleporting. Well, I've got that effect in my own map, now. I love messing with the lights. You can have loads of fun with them.

The level will now not be totally silent. I've added roomtones so that there will be some kind of noise while you are travelling through the labs.

There are a few other surprises in store for you. The level will be quite different from the beta.

Anyway, on with the pictures.

Storage Room A shelf

Large power cable

Power cable on other side

UAC military logo

Hallway supports

I'm aiming for a release on Wednesday. Don't expect me to keep it. As I've stated before, I'm useless at keeping my own deadline dates.