Wednesday, September 20, 2006

On A Rail

Yes, I've started on map numero trés. There's no much to see, but I've managed to create stairs complete with supports and railings! It took a helluva long time to create them and make them look acceptable, but they're there. The texture looks a bit flat, but that's okay, it's not finalised, as with the rest of the textures.

Also, I started on it on the day I said I would. I can't believe it! I stuck to a deadline! There must be something wrong with me...

Anyways, here's a screenshot of that staircase from the bottom to the top (it looks better from that direction).

Grand entrance... kind of
Once the lighting and everything is the way it should be, it'll look even better. And yes, there was a big staircase in the original map (minus the pretty railings, of course).

Post ends.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

I Ran Out Of Titles A Long Time Ago

The only thing of significance to show you in today's screenshot is some dead guy lying next to a flashlight in a room that's shaping up to look alright.

Mr. Flashlight
And that's... pretty much it. I'll probably begin working on map three in a day or two.