Friday, January 27, 2006

I Want A Level With Sexy Curves

Finally! I finally managed to get curved hallways in my level! That's right, hallwayS! Two joined onto each other. I could have done the other manually, but... I didn't want to. It took me a hell of a long time to pick the textures and I think they work pretty well. I'm still finalising the lighting and the textures aren't exactly kosher (that means something like 'right'), but the lights should be low enough that you shouldn't notice unless you look closely with your flashlight. So if you do play my map, do me a favor and don't look closely with your flashlight. M'kay?

I love how Doom 3 manages to create perfect curves and pipes and other round stuff. The only way you could get that stuff with older engines was to create a brush (or sector) with many, many sides, achieving a pseudo-curve.

Well, since today is Friday, I get a break from creating Doom 3 for a couple of days and get a chance to play the thing, so next update should be Monday, if I get anything done.

Anyway, onto the pictures which I am posting merely for the nostalgic value several years down the road...


Under the Influence

No, I didn't get caught drinking and driving. Mainly because I don't drink or drive. Also, it's got nothing to do with my map, does it? No.

Anyway, minor change, today. I decided that I wanted to shock the player with a little bit of demonic influence (you know, where your view goes all red and you can't move very much). I finally got it working after two or three goes. I can't remember whether it was two or three, since I wasn't keeping count. Yes, I know it's a small amount of times, but that doesn't matter! The main thing is, I got it working!

I'll tweak around with it a little, trying different sounds and view types... maybe even find out how to have the lights affected.

Hey, I'm getting pretty good at this regular updates thing! Wait, crap... did I jinx it?

Thursday, January 26, 2006


Well, I managed to get the glass into my door... however, I had to borrow someone else's door to get it to work. His name is Moewen and he kindly posted up a map with a working example of a door with glass in it. I did everything that people said on the forums, but it never worked for me (it never does), so I copied and pasted Moewen's door into my own map.

Thanks, Moe! Until I manage to do it on my own, I'll continue to use your door.

Nice demo level, by the way! That Pinky wandering around certainly scared me!

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Expansion Talk

Well, I updated, again. I've expanded the new area, plus I added a small room. It's going to be a PDA-locked door and I've still to add the lock and PDA itself, but I'm getting there.
The door is a see-through one, but I need to know how to add glass into the door so you can't shoot through into the next room. It's a bit unrealistic when that's possible.
Smaller things added are lights emitted by the screens in the Server Bank. Nothing really worth showing.
You may have noticed that I didn't update during the weekend. This is because I play Doom 3 on weekends and build Doom 3 on weekdays. So in a sense, I get the weekend 'off'. There was no post on Monday because, well, I didn't build anything. I was too busy gaming.

Expanded expansion

The unfinished door with room

To those strange few who actually follow my progress -- see you tomorrow... maybe. I'm going to... rest.

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Two More Screens

I really should update more often. I've got two more screens for you to look at with a little bit of interest. The first one is a storage area with a small ramp leading into it and the second picture shows a new area I've expanded my map into. It's not much, but at least I'm finally getting onto actually building my map instead of messing around with lights and objects and sounds and not really getting anything of worth done. So anyway, here's the two screens I talked about:

Storage Room B

That expansion I was talking about

I'll try to update this blog every time I edit my map.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Two New Screens

Well it's been a long time since I updated, but here I am with two new screenshots showing how much better the level I'm remaking is compared to the old one.

Updated hall leading to the Server Bank

The Server Bank itself