Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Spendin' Some Time In the Slammer

No, no, I haven't been arrested. If I had, do you think I would be spending any of my time writing out a DOOM 3 blog post? Even I wouldn't do that.

The title refers to a prison block-style area in map four of Death Rebellion. It was in the original, and it's in this. Why a prison block? I have no idea. You see, in the original DOOM, levels generally didn't have to make much logical sense. There were no questions of why crates and explosive barrels were scattered around this narrow hallway. It was just accepted. Nowadays, levels are much more realistic and each thing has a purpose, or at least a pseudo-purpose (what do those pipes running along the ceiling actually transfer?).

In any case, the prison block is in there. Still a WIP, so it's not very bloody and fleshed out (no pun intended), but the enemies are there. I 'kill' monsters before taking screenshots, so you won't be seeing any Imps or Pinkies or Hellknights or even any Zombies in any screenies.

I've also added in a large, inaccessible area that's purely for show and wasn't in the original, simply because I didn't think of it, and even if I had, I couldn't have pulled it off. My experience was low and the engine was less advanced than DOOM 3's.

I'm also putting together a prefab pack which will include some stuff from the actual id maps. And for those of you who, like me, have trouble making railings, I'm putting them in, too. It'll be a sort of Railing-O-Matic, with railing sections split up for easy join-together mapping. I'll add screenshots in a later post, since I forgot to save some. That, and I can't be bothered to go take more. I'm a lazy ass, I know.

Okay, that's enough talk. Screenshots:

Hell, er... Cell Block

And that big area I was talking about
Well, good night and good luck on... whatever...

Monday, January 15, 2007

Crazy Happenings

There was no Christmas post, nor a New Year's post, you may have noticed. This is because I was too busy with the craziness of it all. That, and I'd gotten a few new games to keep me occupied. I also got a new 17" monitor, meaning I was finally able to carry out my 2006 New Year's Resolution: 1280x1024. Haven't gotten a new one, yet. I never stick to them, anyway.

Since I missed the holiday well-wishings, I'll give them here -- Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


Well, things are getting back to 'normal', however. That includes me getting back into the groove of mapping. Death Rebellion map four is under construction and I got a couple of shots of the construction site.

The entrance

Main hall

Still rough layouts and the textures in the main hall are temporary. The lighted pillars are cutting my frames in half (I'm one of those able to get 60fps almost all the time, too), so I'll have to rethink my approach to them, as not everybody has the same computer specs as me.